These are practice MCQ tests for exam going candidates
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This course is on the CMPI webminars in 2022
This course has the power point presentations of the CMPI exam preparation workshop held in 2017
This is an interesting course on Physics and technology of Magnetic Resonance imaging by Dr Jerry J Battista, Emeritus Professor, The University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada
In this course he teaches, MRI physics using Guitar lessons. CMPI thanks him for his willingness to share his lectures. This course has three lectures, and after the second and third, there are few MCQs, you need to complete the MCQs by scoring 100% to proceed to the next lecture . Once you complete all three lectures, and the MCQs, you will be able to download your certificate.
I would like place on record my thanks to Dr Roshan Livingstone, professor of Radiation physics, CMC Hospital, Vellore for helping me with the MCQs for these lectures.
Have a Happy learning while staying home
Advanced Teaching course in Medical Physics - Dimapur
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